
Dire Straits - "Tunnel of Love" (1980)

我好像還沒有貢獻任何一篇文章給這首歌:Dire Straits 的 "Tunnel of Love",1980 年發行,收錄在同年的 "Making Movies" 專輯中,這差不多算我畢生最喜歡的歌了,每次聽這首歌最後兩分鐘的電吉他 solo ,幾乎都能獲得重新面對生活中大小難題的力量,而且屢試不爽。妳不得不承認,有些音樂就是有這樣的魔力,比食神的爆漿牛肉丸還厲害,牛丸頂多讓妳考試一百分,或身體變得更強壯而已。

"Dire Straits" 這個樂團是 1977 年在英國成軍的,在當時龐克搖滾林立的樂壇卻殺出一條偏藍調、民謠搖滾的路。主唱兼吉他手 Mark Knopfler 破爛不羈的裝束下,卻是超凡的吉他技巧,而聽起來似乎毫不費力、信手拈來的電吉他 solo,又有誰知道背後隱藏了多少年的苦練...

Dire Straits - "Tunnel of Love" (1980)

作詞作曲 Mark Knopfler,全長 8:08 分鐘,從第 6 分鐘起是長達 2 分鐘餘的電吉他 solo,到最後半分鐘還有鋼琴加入。


另外 "Tunnel of Love" 這首歌的前奏其實是取材自 Richard Rodgers 跟 Oscar Hammerstein II 在 1945 年所寫的音樂劇 "Carousel" 中的曲目 "The Carousel Waltz" 的旋律:點我

1 則留言:

Xie 提到...

one of my all time favorite tune too, especially the
guitar/piano music after the lyrics. It flows perfectly,
making it one of the best melody in the 80s.
It is a pity that Mark Knopfler does not want to play
this song any more afer 1992 as it was the favorite song of his late father died. Also, this song was used
as a background music in movie The Officer and Gentleman. I remember it was when Richard Gere and
Debra Wagner met at a bar after Richard decides to
dump her. The music speak for them.